Maximizing Business Value #100Like long distance runners, business owners who want to sell their business need to prepare their company for the big event.

They will need to get through what could be a lengthy process with obstacles, emotions, and the need for energy.

They could even stumble and fall. And if they fall, they have to be able to get up and get back in the race.

Obtaining the advice of a business broker or M&A Advisor as a “trainer” to help them prepare can make all the difference to get maximum value and make it to the closing.

Michael MarksMichael Marks, creator of Toons ‘n Tips, is a Certified Business Intermediary (CBI) and has over thirty-six years of business experience and ownership. He is a licensed real estate broker in the state of Colorado and has been selling businesses for over eighteen years. Michael has taken up cartooning as a hobby in recent years and has found that by using those skills, along with his extensive business experience, he has been able to create the Toons ‘n Tips drip marketing service for clients all over the country. Find out more about Michael at