Minimizing tax liability is a strategy all business owners think about. But when it comes time to obtain financing or sell the business, buried personal expenses and assets can create a problem in determining the true cash flow.

Buyers and bankers won’t always give credit to many of these items. As a result, the cash flow can be suspect. And when you apply a multiplier to determine the value of the business, the results can be disappointing.

It is in the best interest of a business owner to show a healthy bottom line in the years preceding the sale of their business to get the highest price possible.

Michael MarksMichael Marks, creator of Toons ‘n Tips, is a Certified Business Intermediary (CBI) and has over thirty-six years of business experience and ownership. He is a licensed real estate broker in the state of Colorado and has been selling businesses for over eighteen years. Michael has taken up cartooning as a hobby in recent years and has found that by using those skills, along with his extensive business experience, he has been able to create the Toons ‘n Tips drip marketing service for clients all over the country. Find out more about Michael at