37_selling_101The hard truth is, many businesses will sell at a low price or not sell at all.  Why?  Because those business owners don’t understand how to create value and minimize risk for a new owner.  Or they don’t understand how a business is sold.

Business owners need to learn how buyers will view their business – their financials, location, key employees, equipment, technology and many other critical items.  And they need to recognize how the market will react to the price of their business.

Contacting a professional and creating a plan will greatly enhance the value and ease of selling a business.

Michael MarksMichael Marks, creator of Toons ‘n Tips, is a Certified Business Intermediary (CBI) and has over thirty-six years of business experience and ownership. He is a licensed real estate broker in the state of Colorado and has been selling businesses for over eighteen years. Michael has taken up cartooning as a hobby in recent years and has found that by using those skills, along with his extensive business experience, he has been able to create the Toons ‘n Tips drip marketing service for clients all over the country. Find out more about Michael at www.toonsntips.com.